List of submitted White Paper on LSST Cadence Optimization 2018

A Big Sky Approach to Cadence Diplomacy

Optimizing the LSST Observing Strategy for Dark Energy Science: DESC Recommendations for the Wide-Fast-Deep Survey

Enabling Deep All-Sky Searches of Outer Solar System Objects

The Effects of Filter Choice on Outer Solar System Science with LSST

Simultaneous LSST and Euclid observations – advantages for Solar System Objects

Testing of LSST AGN Selection Using Rolling Cadences

TDEs with LSST

Strong Lensing considerations for the LSST observing strategy

A Smart and Colorful Cadence for the Wide-Fast Deep Survey

A Cadence to Reduce Aliasing in LSST

Enabling Cosmological Synergies between the LSST and WFIRST High Latitude Survey

LSST Cadence Optimization White Paper in Support of Observations of Unresolved Tidal Stellar Streams in Galaxies beyond the Local Group

A strategy for LSST to unveil a population of kilonovae without gravitational-wave triggers.

Leveraging Differential Chromatic Refraction in LSST

Blazars and Fast Radio Bursts with LSST

Searching for white dwarf transits with LSST

Presto-Color: An LSST Cadence for Explosive Physics & Fast Transients

LSST Target of Opportunity proposal for locating a core collapse supernova in our galaxy triggered by a neutrino supernova alert

Discovery of Strongly-lensed Gravitational Waves – Implications for the LSST Observing Strategy

Target of Opportunity Observations of Gravitational Wave Events with LSST

Mini-survey of the northern sky to Dec < +30

Maximizing the Joint Science Return of LSST and DESI

A Northern Ecliptic Survey for Solar System Science

Active Galaxy Science in the LSST Deep-Drilling Fields: Footprints, Cadence Requirements, and Total-Depth Requirements

Optimizing the LSST Observing Strategy for Dark Energy Science: DESC Recommendations for the Deep Drilling Fields and other Special Programs

Continuous Cadence Acquisition of the LSST Deep Drilling Fields

Large Synoptic Survey Telescope White Paper; The Case for Matching U-band on Deep Drilling Fields

Unveiling the Rich and Diverse Universe of Subsecond Astrophysics through LSST Star Trails

Calibrating Milky Way Maps: An LSST Bright(ish) Star Survey

Enhancing LSST Science with Euclid Synergy

The Gaia-LSST Synergy: resolved stellar populations in selected Local Group stellar systems

Deep Drilling Fields for Solar System Science

Young Stars and their Variability with LSST

The First Extragalactic Exoplanets – What We Gain From High Cadence Observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud?

A near-Sun Solar System Twilight Survey with LSST

LSST Local Volume mini-survey

LSST Observations of WFIRST Deep Fields

Unique Science from a Coordinated LSST-WFIRST Survey of the Galactic Bulge

Characterizing Variable Stars in a Single Night with LSST

The Plane’s The Thing: The Case for Wide-Fast-Deep Coverage of the Galactic Plane and Bulge

A Higher Cadence Subsurvey Located in the Galactic Plane

Investigating the population of Galactic star formation regions and star clusters within a Wide-Fast-Deep Coverage of the Galactic Plane

The Diverse Science Return from a Wide-Area Survey of the Galactic Plane

unVEil the darknesS of The gAlactic buLgE (VESTALE)

The Definitive Map of the Galactic bulge

Mapping the Periphery and Variability of the Magellanic Clouds